macOS Dock

After many months of trial and error, I have decided the best place for my macOS dock is on the right side of the screen. I originally had it on the left but I started using my 12.9” iPad Pro as a second monitor to my 14” MacBook Pro. I always put the iPad Pro on the left of the MacBook Pro which made the dock on the left side problematic. It made it especially problematic if you auto-hide your dock, which is the right thing to do. Whenever you move the cursor to the left side, the dock would reveal but the cursor would be on the iPad. Actually clicking the dock on the left side in my set up was almost impossible. Moving the dock to the right side fixed that issue. Moving the dock to the bottom would’ve also fixed the issue but with a small the vertical screen of the MacBook, I don’t ever want the dock on the bottom.

Also if you auto-hide your dock on macOS, type the below statement in terminal so it’s faster to hide/reveal. You can mess around with “int” to change speeds but I leave mine at 0.

defaults write autohide-time-modifier -int 0;killall Dock

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